Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

India brewery selects ZeeWeed* for water treatment & T-MBR for recycling effluent


A brewery in western India was facing a dual challenge: to upgrade its existing water treatment plant (WTP) and to recycle the effluent waste from its existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) 250 m3 /day of wastewater is supplied for treatment, but that water has biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), & total dissolved solids (TDS) that are quite high for a reuse application.


For the WTP, Veolia’s ZeeWeed 1500 ultrafiltration (UF) membranes were installed, followed by an activated carbon filter (ACF), and reverse osmosis (RO). This UF system achieves 95% recovery with permeate capacity of 75 m3 /hr. The product water after this treatment has a silt density index (SDI) of <3 and turbidity of <1. The total flow rate for the WTP system is 1200 m3 /day.

After assessment of the customer’s input, it was assumed that a majority of the organics were in soluble form and hence could be removed by tertiary membrane bioreactor (T-MBR) technology to meet RO feed quality of COD <20 mg/L. Veolia proposed a T-MBR, RO and dissolved gas system to achieve the required treated water quality, and T-MBR with RO to achieve phosphate reduction. T-MBR features ZeeWeed 500 and can accommodate total suspended solids (TSS) of 100 mg/l, most of which comes from clarifier overflow.


The footprint of the system is less than that of conventional treatment. T-MBR has a recovery rate of 90-95% and the RO system has a recovery rate of 75-80%. With the use of T-MBR technology, the COD, BOD & TDS values of the effluent treatment plant (ETP) water were considerably reduced and the product was reused as process water. Veolia is a pioneer in the use of hollow fiber membranes for water treatment, with more than 100 drinking water, and 220 wastewater installations globally.

With the use of T-MBR technology, the COD, BOD & TDS values of the effluent treatment plant (ETP) water were considerably reduced, and the product was reused as process water. Veolia is a pioneer in the use of hollow fiber membranes for water treatment, with more than 100 drinking water and 220 wastewater installations globally.

To learn how Veolia can help solve your wastewater challenges, contact your Veolia representative or visit us at