Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Hubgrade Water Footprint Digital Services

Veolia’s Hubgrade Water Footprint is a cutting-edge digital augmented service that harnesses the power of real-time field data, artificial intelligence and best in class domain expertise, in order to empower enterprises to take a proactive approach in reducing their water footprint, optimising water-related energy consumption, and minimising greenhouse gas emissions.

Hubgrade Water Footprint Digital Services

Veolia’s Hubgrade Water Footprint is a cutting-edge digital augmented service that harnesses the power of real-time field data, artificial intelligence and best in class domain expertise, in order to empower enterprises to take a proactive approach in reducing their water footprint, optimising water-related energy consumption, and minimising greenhouse gas emissions.

Trust Us to Drive Your Sustainable Water Management

Our Digital Solution Hubgrade Water Footprint is a complete solution for measuring, monitoring, documenting, predicting, and optimizing water footprints across nearly all industries, in order to help you rapidly improve operational efficiencies, make meaningful progress towards sustainability goals, and ensure compliance with ever evolving regulations.

By combining real-time in-field data, artificial intelligence, and best-in-class domain expertise into a single resource, we provide plant managers, sustainability leaders, and senior executives with the information, tools, and answers they need to make intelligent water and business decisions.

Hubgrade Water Footprint provides:

  • Transparency by clearly tracking water usage and waste down to the equipment level, leveraging AI to predict future needs so you can make timely operational decisions.
  • Resiliency through live recommendations of operational anomalies and detailed risk assessments at both the corporate planning and plant level.
  • Net Positive ambitions with personalized KPI tracking, fleet optimization metrics, and footprint reduction tracking, all backed by Veolia’s vast water domain expertise.

"By embracing water sustainability practices, enterprises secure long-term viability in an increasingly resource-constrained world," said Bernie Anger, Chief Digital Officer at Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions. "Hubgrade Water Footprint acts as a catalyst in the evolution toward ecological transformation."

Discover the Power of Hubgrade Water Footprint

Hubgrade Water Footprint is designed to respond to your specific needs, offering solutions for sustainability accounting, climate risk prevention, business continuity, and footprint reduction.

Unlock Sustainable Water Management

Our cutting-edge solution empowers you to optimize water usage and contribute to a greener future. By seamlessly integrating advanced analytics and intelligent monitoring, you gain unprecedented insights into your water consumption patterns. Identify inefficiencies, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions that conserve this precious resource.

Embrace a Water-Wise Approach

Join the movement toward responsible water stewardship. Our innovative technology enables you to minimize your environmental footprint while maximizing operational efficiency. Experience the peace of mind that comes with proactive water management, ensuring a sustainable supply for generations to come.

Elevate Your Sustainability Efforts

Demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility by adopting our cutting-edge solution. Align your organization with global sustainability goals, enhance your brand reputation, and contribute to a better tomorrow. Empower your stakeholders with tangible actions that protect and preserve our most vital resource.


Features and Benefits

  • Sustainability Accounting:
    • Hubgrade provides accurate and comprehensive data on water usage, allowing businesses to track and measure their water footprint.
    • This enables businesses to identify areas of high water consumption and implement strategies to reduce their environmental impact.
    • By having a clear understanding of their water footprint, businesses can make informed decisions to improve sustainability performance.
  • Climate Risk Prevention:
    • Hubgrade helps businesses assess and manage climate-related risks associated with water scarcity, droughts, and floods.
    • By analyzing historical and real-time data, Hubgrade can identify potential vulnerabilities and provide early warnings to mitigate risks.
    • This allows businesses to develop proactive strategies to adapt to changing climate conditions and ensure business continuity.
  • Business Continuity:
    • Hubgrade enables businesses to optimize water usage and reduce dependency on scarce water resources.
    • By identifying opportunities for water efficiency improvements, businesses can minimize disruptions caused by water shortages or price fluctuations.
    • This ensures business continuity and reduces the financial and operational risks associated with water scarcity.
  • Footprint Reduction:
    • Hubgrade helps businesses identify and implement water-saving measures to reduce their water footprint.
    • By optimizing water usage, businesses can minimize their environmental impact and contribute to sustainable water management.
    • This not only benefits the environment but also enhances the company's reputation and attracts environmentally conscious customers.

Overall, Hubgrade Water Footprint provides businesses with the tools and insights needed to address sustainability needs, including sustainability accounting, climate risk prevention, business continuity, and footprint reduction. By leveraging Hubgrade, businesses can improve their environmental performance, reduce risks, and contribute to a more sustainable future.



1. Define the Scope: Begin by clearly defining the scope of the Hubgrade Water Footprint implementation. Determine the specific goals, objectives, and boundaries of the project. This step will help provide a clear direction for the implementation process.

2. Collect Data: Gather relevant data on water usage and consumption within the organization. This may involve conducting surveys, analyzing existing data, and collaborating with different departments to ensure comprehensive data collection. The accuracy and completeness of the data will be crucial for accurate water footprint calculations.

3. Calculate Water Footprint: Use the collected data to calculate the water footprint of the organization. This involves quantifying the amount of water used throughout the organization's operations, including direct water usage and indirect water consumption through the supply chain. Various methodologies and tools can be used for this calculation, such as the Water Footprint Network's standard methodology.

4. Analyze Results: Once the water footprint is calculated, analyze the results to identify areas of high water consumption and potential opportunities for improvement. This analysis will help prioritize actions and develop strategies to reduce the organization's water footprint. Consider factors such as water-intensive processes, water efficiency measures, and potential water-saving technologies.

5. Develop Action Plan: Based on the analysis, develop a comprehensive action plan to address the identified areas of improvement. This plan should include specific goals, targets, and timelines for implementing water-saving measures. It should also consider the feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential impact of each action.

6. Implement Water-Saving Measures: Execute the action plan by implementing the identified water-saving measures. This may involve implementing water-efficient technologies, optimizing processes, promoting water conservation practices among employees, and collaborating with suppliers to reduce water consumption in the supply chain. Regular monitoring and evaluation should be conducted to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

7. Communicate and Engage: Communicate the organization's commitment to reducing its water footprint to internal and external stakeholders. Engage employees, suppliers, and customers in water conservation efforts by raising awareness, providing training, and encouraging behavioral changes. Transparent communication about the progress and achievements in reducing the water footprint will help build trust and support.

8. Monitor and Evaluate: Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented water-saving measures. Regularly measure and track the organization's water footprint to assess progress towards the set targets. This step will help identify any gaps or areas that require further improvement and allow for adjustments to the action plan if needed.

9. Report and Celebrate Success: Report the organization's achievements in reducing its water footprint to stakeholders, such as investors, customers, and regulatory bodies. Celebrate the success and share best practices to inspire and encourage others to take similar actions. This step will help showcase the organization's commitment to sustainability and build a positive reputation.

The implementation process may vary depending on the specific context and requirements of the organization. It is important to adapt and tailor the steps accordingly.

Proven Industry Success

Hubgrade Water Footprint was implemented at Veolia’s facility in 2023 and allowed the team to quantify early wins, including:

  • Harvested ~3,000 cubic meters of rainwater
  • Reduced emissions by 20,000+ kg through piped natural gas (PNG) usage
  • Saved 72,000 kWh through solar power

These statistics demonstrate the early wins achieved through the implementation of Hubgrade Water Footprint at Veolia's facility in 2023. Additionally, in 2024, Veolia plans to expand the use of Hubgrade Water Footprint to up to 20 more global sites to drive new sustainability efforts.

Let’s Get Started Together

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