Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Mining & Mineral Processing Solutions

Maximize mining yield and achieve environmental compliance by preventing water-based and air-borne contaminants from affecting your process and the surrounding environment.

Veolia is helping mines and mineral processors control dust emissions, treat site effluent to meet the strictest regulations, and improve yield and runtime by protecting process assets from fouling and corrosion.

What is mining wastewater?

Mining wastewater treatment is a vital process focused on purifying water contaminated during mining activities, addressing issues related to the presence of pollutants like heavy metals and chemicals. Employing various technologies, such as sedimentation, filtration, and chemical treatments, mining wastewater treatment aims to meet stringent environmental standards. By effectively treating mining wastewater, this process plays a pivotal role in safeguarding water quality and promoting sustainable mining practices, mitigating the environmental impact of mining activities on water resources.

What are the benefits of mining wastewater?

  • Environmental Conservation:
    • Mine water treatment minimizes the environmental impact of mining activities by removing contaminants and ensuring responsible water discharge.
  • Resource Conservation:
    • Recycling mining water through advanced treatment processes conserves valuable water resources, promoting sustainable and efficient water use.
  • Economic Efficiency:
    • Implementing mine water treatment and recycling practices can lead to cost savings by reducing the need for fresh water intake and minimizing disposal expenses.
  • Compliance with Regulations:
    • Adopting effective mine water treatment ensures compliance with environmental regulations, preventing contamination of surrounding ecosystems and safeguarding against legal and reputational risks.
  • Community Well-being:
    • Responsible mining water management contributes to the well-being of local communities by preventing water pollution and preserving the quality of water sources for various uses.
  • Long-term Sustainability:
    • Mining water recycling supports the long-term sustainability of mining operations, fostering a balance between resource extraction and environmental stewardship.
  • Reduced Ecological Footprint:
    • By treating and recycling mining water, operations can minimize their ecological footprint, demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility.
  • Operational Resilience:
    • Incorporating mine water treatment and recycling practices enhances the resilience of mining operations by ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply for various processes.


Agglomeration aids

Our agglomeration aids promote higher flow rates and metal recovery rates. They also reduce risk to health and the environment by controlling lixiviant pooling on the surface.

  • SoliSep* heap leach enhancers prevent ponding (flux through heap) and channeling (flow distribution). 


Our defoamers and antifoamers are formulated for efficacy and economics.

  • FoamTrol* & SoliSep* foam control treatments offer instant foam dissipation and designed persistence to ensure rapid and reliable process control. 

Learn more about our Foam Control solutions

Corrosion inhibitors

  • Organic and inorganic FloGard* corrosion inhibitors ensure asset protection and prevent downtime and leaks across pipes, tanks and process equipment.
  • Spectrus* biocides are designed to prevent microbiological fouling and its induced corrosion from affecting your operation’s reliability and productivity.

Learn more about our Corrosion Inhibitors and Biocides

Digital & automation 

Unique service model with a proactive, digital, data-driven approach providing improved visibility optimized chemical, water & energy usage, real-time data and predictive modeling.

  • InSight* cloud-based asset performance management (APM) system for easy entry, automated upload and reporting of all of your operational data.
  • Remote wireless tank monitoring for 24/7 accurate feed rates, alarms and inventory management.
  • TrueSense* analyzers & controllers for continuous readings & automated control.
  • MonitAll* predictive heat exchanger fouling technology strategically applies scale control additives and optimizes your operation.

Learn more about InSight our asset performance management platform

Dust control for loss prevention, handling & safety

  • DusTreat* dust control programs prevent cost-effective fugitive material loss from stockpiles and during transportation (conveyor belts, trucks, ships, and railcars)
  • DusTreat handling aids mitigate the accumulation of material on surfaces of handling systems such as conveyor belts, ships, railcars, or trucks, reducing losses and maintenance.
  • DusTreat road dust programs minimize health & safety risks while limiting the amount of water used for dust abatement
  • DusTreat coal antioxidants reduce spontaneous oxidation occurring in coal stockpiles to prevent losses and minimize health & safety risk

Learn more about our Dust Control programs

Flow assurance through scale control

  • ScaleTrol* scale inhibition products minimize deposits and fouling in a wide array of unit operations and equipment, thereby reducing downtime required for cleaning/maintenance, mitigating loss of productivity in extraction, improving equipment lifespan, and maintaining flow/operation of equipment

Influent/effluent clarification & metal precipitants

  • KlarAid*, Polyfloc* and Novus* specialty coagulants and flocculants improve inlet and outlet water clarification and ensure discharge limits can be met.
  • MetClear* metals precipitation chemistry can help overcome wastewater challenges by precipitating key metal contaminants and allowing you to meet local regulations.

Learn more about our Coagulants & Flocculants

Learn more about our Heavy Metals Removal

Leach enhancement aids (gold extraction)

Our leach enhancement aids increase gold dissolution, reduce cyanide consumption, and promote higher gold loading onto carbon. Our product offers a solution to difficult Geo-Met Conversion plans where there may be ores that is difficult to process in current unit operations.

  • SoliSep* leach enhancement aids work in Carbon in Pulp (CIP) and Carbon in Leach (CIL) when the mineralogy of the ore has fines that cause rheological issues within the slurry. 

Process clarification & separation aids

Our coagulants and flocculants help improve ore separation within thickeners, decanters and filters while reducing operating costs. 

  • PolyFloc*, SoliSep*, and KlarAid* specialty coagulants and flocculants optimize liquid solid separation and clarify process waters while maximizing solids concentration at the lowest cost of treatment.

Learn more about our Coagulants & Flocculants

Rheology modifiers & viscosity modifiers processing aids

Our rheology and viscosity modifiers expand strategic reserves and extend the life of tailings dams.

  • SoliSep* rheology & viscosity modifiers are designed specifically to optimize solids concentrations while reducing rheological properties of mining slurries and tough to treat ores, concentrates, and tailings. 
  • SoliSep* viscosity modifiers can also assist in grinding with the ability to achieve higher flow rates and to operate at higher feeds solids while achieving the mesh of grind percent passing eighty percent (P80).



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Case Studies

Are there any risks associated with mining wastewater?

  • Pollutant Contamination: Mining wastewater may contain high levels of pollutants, including heavy metals, chemicals, and suspended solids, posing risks to aquatic ecosystems and human health.
  • Acid Mine Drainage (AMD): Mining activities can lead to AMD, a significant risk where water becomes acidic due to exposure to sulfide minerals, further impacting surrounding water bodies.
  • Erosion and Sedimentation: Discharge from mining activities can contribute to soil erosion and sedimentation in water bodies, affecting water quality and aquatic habitats.
  • Ecological Impact: Uncontrolled release of mining wastewater can harm aquatic life, disrupt ecosystems, and lead to long-term environmental damage.
  • Human Health Concerns: Contaminated water may pose risks to local communities if used for drinking or agricultural purposes, highlighting the importance of proper mining water treatment.
  • Mining Influenced Water (MIW): MIW is a term used to describe water impacted by mining activities. It emphasizes the need for specialized water treatment processes tailored to address the unique challenges posed by mining-related contaminants.
  • Importance of Water Treatment Plants: Water treatment for mining, conducted through specialized plants, plays a crucial role in mitigating these risks. These plants employ various technologies to remove pollutants, neutralize acidity, and ensure the safe discharge of water into the environment. Properly managed water treatment is essential for minimizing the environmental impact of mining activities and safeguarding both ecosystems and human health.

How do you treat mining wastewater?

Mining wastewater treatment is a crucial process aimed at mitigating environmental impact and ensuring the responsible management of water resources. Several methods are employed in the treatment of mining wastewater, each tailored to address specific contaminants associated with mining activities.

1. Sedimentation and Filtration: Sedimentation allows suspended particles to settle, while filtration involves using physical barriers to capture finer particles, effectively removing solid contaminants from the wastewater.

2. Chemical Precipitation: Chemical precipitation introduces substances that react with contaminants, causing them to form solid particles. These particles can then be easily separated from the water, making this method effective for treating mining wastewater containing heavy metals.

3. Biological Treatment: Biological treatment harnesses the power of microorganisms to break down organic pollutants present in mining wastewater. This eco-friendly method enhances the natural degradation of contaminants.

4. Activated Carbon Adsorption: Activated carbon is utilized to adsorb organic compounds and certain inorganic contaminants. The high surface area of activated carbon allows for the effective trapping and removal of pollutants from the mining wastewater.

5. Reverse Osmosis: Reverse osmosis, a membrane-based technique, employs pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane. This process effectively removes dissolved ions, particles, and contaminants, making it particularly suitable for treating mining wastewater with high salinity.

6. Ion Exchange: Ion exchange involves swapping ions in the wastewater with ions on a resin, resulting in the removal of specific contaminants, especially heavy metals. This method is valuable for treating mining wastewater with elevated concentrations of metal ions.

A combination of these methods in a tailored water treatment for mining approach ensures the effective removal of diverse contaminants, meeting environmental standards and promoting sustainable mining practices.

Unlock environmentally responsible mining with Veolia's cutting-edge solutions. Contact your local Veolia representative to explore our expertise in advanced mining water treatment for sustainable resource management.