Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Ozonia* Ozone Generator & Systems for Water Treatment

High-quality, industry leading ozone generators & systems for water treatment

Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidation tools water treatment professionals have for purification and disinfection. Veolia has been the ozone water treatment industry pioneer for decades. We design and manufacture a complete range of Ozonia Ozone Generators and Systems from laboratory products to the largest ozone water treatment systems in the world.

Ozonia Ozone Generators and Systems are consistently ranked among the best in the industry for performance, quality and reliability. With research and development centers and manufacturing facilities on three continents, Veolia can deliver turn-key ozone systems to any customer specification. Trust the ozone technology leader with over 40 years of experience to help solve your water treatment challenges.

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Ozone, also known as trioxygen, has the chemical formula O3 and is composed of three oxygen atoms. Ozone gas is naturally unstable at normal atmospheric conditions which means that in commercial applications, ozone must be made on-site using an ozone generator. The lifetime of ozone in water depends on various factors including water temperature, ozone concentration, and the composition of the water itself.

Turn-Key Ozone Systems

Veolia provides full lifecycle support for Ozonia ozone technology. We supply turn-key ozone systems that include all the components required to operate an ozone water treatment process safety and efficiently. Contact us today to learn how Veolia can design an ozone water treatment system optimized for your needs.  

Ozonia ozone systems include several sub-systems 

  • Feed gas preparation systems  
  • Ozone generators  
  • Power Supply Units for ozone generators 
  • Ozonia* SmartO3 control systems  
  • Ozone gas contacting systems  
  • Vent Ozone Destruction systems   
The Power of Ozone Oxidation

Ozone is one of the strongest disinfectants used in water treatment. It’s bactericidal, viricidal, fungicidal and sporicidal. Ozone is also active against yeasts and parasites.Ozone is one of the strongest oxidant agents on the market – over 50% stronger than chlorine  – making it one of the most powerful solutions for municipal, industrial and commercial water treatment challenges.

Substance Oxidation Potential (IV)
Molecular Oxygen atom (O) 2.42
Ozone molecule (O3) 2.07
Hydrogen peroxide (H202) 1.78
Chlorine (Cl) 1.36
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) 1.27
Oxygen molecule (O2) 1.23
How is Ozone produced?

Ozone Generation   

Ozone is produced when oxygen molecules (O2) are split and recombined into ozone (O3). The reaction from (molecular) oxygen to ozone requires energy.  

ozone generation diagram

 Ozone generators are used to produce ozone using one of the two most popular ozone production processes – the corona discharge and electrolytic processes. Ozonia* is a leading designer of both types of ozone generators.  

In most commercial applications, ozone is produced when a gas containing oxygen is passed through an electrical field separated by two electrodes. When oxygen molecules in the gas interact with the electrical field, they split and recombine forming ozone. This is the Corona Discharge ozone generation process. 

Learn how 2nd generation Ozonia* Intelligent Gap System technology (IGS+) provides higher performance and lower costs. 

Download the Ozonia* IGS+ Brochure



Plant Process Optimization

Ozone Properties

Ozone’s unique oxidation process creates advantages for water treatment systems. Ozone is also a flexible and versatile tool to improve performance in water treatment processes.  Ozone has many beneficial properties that can optimize water systems and allow you to meet you goals more easily and at lower cost.  

Ozone is an environmentally friendly technology that does not create any chlorinated disinfection byproducts. Ozone decays naturally within minutes into oxygen and increases dissolved oxygen levels.  

Ozone also improves the performance of other processes in a water treatment process. The benefits to other processes include reduced costs and increased lifespans. Find out how ozone can help improve your water system processes. 

  • Color, taste and odor removal 
  • Enhanced flocculation 
  • Oxidation of Organics, Fe & Mn 
  • Disinfection without by-product formation  
  • Improved filtration processes  
  • Cryptosporidium, giardia & virus inactivation  
  • Increased dissolved oxygen